In 1976 Rev. Curtis and Gladys Wilson started Unity Church of Rockdale as a study group that first gathered in their home and quickly moved to a fellowship room of a local Bank. The group out grew that space and needed a larger space. 933 Commercial St NE in Conyers, GA was purchased as the home of this county’s Unity church. Rev. Curtis and Gladys came to Conyers to retire. However, God had other plans for their ministry.
Located in Olde Town the church has always been in a store front. The long term goal is to grow beyond this space to once again needing a larger facility.
From 2006 – 2008 Rev. Arlene Myer was the minister.
From 2008 – 2010 Joyce Crawford was the spiritual leader.
January 1, 2012 Rev Warren and Rev Francie Potter became co-ministers of Unity Church and Spiritual Center. This shift in consciousness is taking this ministry forward to be the beacon of Light and Love of Rockdale County.
July 2015 Unity Church and Spiritual Center joins the International Branding campaign form Unity Worldwide Ministries and Unity World Headquaters changing the name to: Unity East of Atlanta. This change opens up the unlimited possibilities of this spiritual community.
January 2016 Unity East of Atlanta.
In October 2023 Unity East of Atlanta became Unity Church of Rockdale.
February 4, 2024 Unity Church of Rockdale moved into their new permanent home at 190 Oglesby Bridge Rd, Conyers, GA 30094.
Dr Barbara Baker after five years as the President of the board for Unity East of Atlanta, as our mentor, our confidant, and our friend we now bestow on you the title of President Emeritus. President Emeritus is a new position with Unity East of Atlanta and we begin the Past Presidents Team with you.
A Unity Diamond is a person who is proper, unalterable, or unbreakable.
A Unity Diamond is a person who is treasured as gemstone.
A Unity Diamond cannot be contaminated.
A Unity Diamond has the ability to disperse light of different colors as the Christ light reflecting the 12 Powers colors and qualities of Faith, Love, Strength, Wisdom, Power, Imagination, Understanding, Will, Order, Zeal, Release, and Life.
A Unity Diamond is an outstanding member and asset to this ministry.
A Unity Diamond is a person who is forthright, confident, and willing to speak Truth and live in the light of Truth.
A Unity Diamond goes beyond their duties and holds the consciousness of the entire ministry in the love and light of God knowing the highest Good is unfolding.
A Unity Diamond is an elder, deacon, or in another words, an advisor, a pillar of strength, and a person of wisdom and integrity that anyone can go to for advice and guidance.
Congratulations Dr Barbara you are our Diamond!

Unity Pearl Society
A pearl is: a hard object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusk. The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries. Because of this, pearl has become a metaphor for something rare, fine, admirable and valuable. (Wikipedia.com)
We created this award because we wanted to honor the wisdom, tenacity, and dedication of individuals who are the foundation of this ministry. We chose the idea of a pearl for several reasons. A pearl is made from the mussel protecting itself from outer harm. It creates a sack around an irritant and continues to build layers. The layers refract the light giving the pearl its iridescent shine. The more layers the more shine. It can take years for a pearl to form.
Metaphysically we can see the pearl as someone who has Spiritually grown over the years and has taken anything that has disrupted or irritated its life and layered it in love and light. This is a Unity Pearl!
A Unity Pearl is an outstanding member and asset to this ministry.
A Unity Pearl is a person who is forthright, confident, and willing to speak Truth and live in the light of Truth.
A Unity Pearl goes beyond their duties and holds the consciousness
of the entire ministry in the love and light of God knowing the highest Good is unfolding.
We are so proud to induct as our first member of the Unity Pearl Society, Bill Sawyer!
Bill has volunteered every week in the office doing computer work, posting, and bookkeeping work assisting Rev Warren.
He has taken on the organizing maintenance and yard work at the new property.
He takes the paper and plastic for recycling, keeping Unity eco-friendly.
Bill serves on the Board of Trustees as our Treasurer.
Bill tithes, financially supports this ministries activities, and is always willing to help out in any way he can.
Bill is truly a Truth student that we want to honor for his wisdom, tenacity, and dedication!
Bill congratulations for Being a Unity Pearl!
2021 – DeDe Ohlin and Maria Thompson were awarded as Unity Pearls for their outstanding volunteer service and willingness to help support Unity Church of Rockdale!