Unity Church of Rockdale supports these projects and non-profits serving in our community. Please help us do God’s work. Thank you.
Rockdale Emergency Relief (RER Food Bank) – (Please donate non-perishable food items directly to RER)
Project Renewal Women’s Shelter (cell phones & toiletry items)
Lion’s Club of Covington (eyeglasses)
Please place your items in the blue containers in the foyer. Thank you.
Thank you for Financially Supporting
and donating to Unity East.
We appreciate you!
And you can financially support Unity Church of Rockdale and it doesn’t cost you anything by signing up for:
Kroger Rewards
Unity East is now registered with KROGER to receive rewards from your purchases. This costs you nothing and we receive a % of your expenditures. All you need is a Kroger Plus Card. You can go online at krogercommunityrewards.com and follow the instructions Unity Church Of Rockdale (previously Unity East of Atlanta) NPO # is RK814 or use the instruction sheet in the foyer to which directions to sign up! Our new reward was $29.35
Thank you to everyone for your continued support of this ministry! You can go on the website, https://www.unitychurchofrockdale.org, click on DONATE
and choose how to make your Love Offering or Tithe
or click on the DONATE button below in this newsletter.