A Positive Path For Spiritual Living






190 Oglesby Bridge Rd
Conyers, GA 30013

Co-Ministers – Rev Francie and Rev Warren Potter, Trustees

Co-Ministers Support Ministry Team


    Prayer Chaplains and Wellness Contact Ministry Team

    A Prayer Chaplain is a person willing to openly pray with anyone who request prayer. They will be available after service to pray with you. Please feel free to have one on one prayer and be blessed. Thank You for blessing this ministry.

    Prayer Chaplains: Sandy Swinney – Chair, DeDe Ohlin, Beckie Morris

    Wellness Contact Team:  Diane Ohlin, Beckie Morris , Sandy Swinney, and Rev Francie, Rev Warren

    Prayer Shawl Team:

    Maria Thompson, Rev Francie

    The Prayer Shawl Team knits or crochets prayer shawls for anyone desiring the comfort, love, and prayers of this ministry. We pray as we make the shawls blessing them for the receiver and the congregation and ministers bless them in Sunday Service prior to giving them to the recipient. We know the power of prayer and this is a visual, tactile reminder of the prayers being sent to the recipient from Unity Church of Rockdale. From 2012 thru present we have given out over 500 prayer shawls. What a blessing to give and receive. We also attach a prayer card/book mark.

    Music team: Cat Hood, Song Leader; Bill Sawyer, Doris Rouse, Beckie Morris

    Audio/ Visual Team:  Bill Sawyer, Rev Warren

    CLEARING HOUSE Ministry Team
    Volunteer Coordinator –

    Calendar/ scheduler Ministry team (works with all teams to coordinate activities, etc.)

    Finance Ministry Team
    Beckie Morris, President; Doris Rouse, Bill Sawyer, Treasurer; Rev Warren and Rev Francie Potter.

    ORDINANCE Ministry team – job descriptions, notebooks, by-laws.

    Ministry Sub-teams

    Education Ministry Team

    Adult Education Ministry team
    Rev Francie and Rev Warren Potter
    Volunteers willing to share talents

    Licensed Unity Teacher – 

    Youth Education Ministry team 

     Youth & Family Ministry Director – Ashley Thorpe

    College Aged Unity (CAU) Ministry team

    Welcome Ministry Team

    Ushers/ Greeter’s  team – DeDe Ohlin, Maria Thompson, Mickey Tomas

    Hospitality/Fellowship  team

    Sunshine Team – Sandy Swinney, Chair 


    Marketing/ IT Ministry Team – Public Relations, Promotion, and Media: Website, Newsletter, emails, FaceBook

    Face Book Mgr./ Media Specialist – Helena Chapar &  Rev Francie.

    Projects and Programs Ministry Teams

    OUTREACH/ RESEARCH Ministry team

    Building/ Grounds Ministry Teams

    Men’s group Ministry team – Men of Unity Church of Rockdale

    Women’s group Ministry team – Women of Unity Church of Rockdale


    “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.

    The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”

    -Andrew Carnegie

    Leadership Trainings are held in the spring every year. A Volunteer fair is held twice a year in the spring and fall. Check the calendar for times and dates.



    Photo: The Unity Volunteers at the Fall Festival